Why do we give?
People of Hope, Thank you for continuing to GIVE! Because of your dedication to giving we get to serve families with food, families struggling with disaster and next week we will start blessing TEACHERS again in our local schools. If you want to be part of giving to New Hope in general, select tithe or if you want to help with our ongoing outreach, select KINGDOM BUILDERS.
That is what we are all about here at NHC. Come and I know for sure you will find LOVE and HOPE here! We have amazing leaders who lead our FUN and INTERACTIVE KIDS and YOUTH experiences. Sunday's are a time to come together and experience JOY and PEACE with your whole family. We can't wait to meet you! May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13